Course curriculum

    1. How to Approach MTforMT

    2. Worksheets

    1. Why Understand Theory?

    2. Elements of a Score

    3. Tonality

    4. Notation

    5. Rhythmic Values

    6. Examples

    7. Practice

    8. Week 1 Quiz

    1. Welcome Back!

    2. Concepts

    3. Major Scales

    4. Major Keys

    5. Simple Meter

    6. Sing and Clap

    7. Examples

    8. Practice

    9. Week 2 Quiz

    1. Recap

    2. Scales

    3. Relative Keys

    4. Parallel Keys

    5. Minor Keys

    6. Naming Minor Keys

    7. Examples

    8. Compound Meter

    9. Irregular Time Signatures

    10. Sing and Clap

    11. Examples

    12. Practice

    13. Week 3 Quiz

    1. Concepts

    2. Intervals

    3. Interval Transformations

    4. Chords

    5. Chord Quality

    6. Chord Naming

    7. Syncopation

    8. Hemiola

    9. Swing

    10. 3+3+2

    11. Practice

    12. Week 4 Quiz

ACT I | Beginner Level

  • $250.00
  • 62 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

What makes us different?

  • Intersectional

    Courses focus solely on the music theory material that is relevant to the performer while in the rehearsal process.

  • Affordable

    Our courses our priced so that you can break through your musical blocks without breaking the bank.

  • Tutoring Option

    We take the time to work with you individually outside of the main course which leaves room to focus on areas you need help with the most.

Are you ready to become a better performer?